A letter to
Erik Cason

I was wrong. I was naive and still believed what was being fed to me.
you may not remember, but we chatted on Twitter a few years back, at the beginning of my Bitcoin journey, about how I felt you were in the wrong with the anger placed upon the boomers, boy was I wrong.

The boomers were raised with their entitlement spoons in their mouths. Today they still only want what's theirs. There is little talk about getting it for the next generation. Instead, it will come to the next gen stop borrowing from our future, from our children to stop giving to the entitled generation.

We can't continue to support boomer entitlements, as it was built upon flawed ideas that the population will continue to boom creating more taxpayers. Borrowing our way out of problems only pushes them further down the road where we find ourselves today. Boomers lied to boomers to get votes and power. Booms trust their news sources like they trust Egyptian princes. There is no change in them, as they "know what works for them”